Google TV: What’s that?

28 06 2010

What’s Google TV?


Well, as Google says: Google TV is a new experience made for television that combines the TV you know and love with the freedom and power of the Internet. Watch an overview video below, sign up for updates, and learn more about how to develop for Google TV.”

Well, they are apparently TVs made by Sony, Logitech and Intel, you can also get a box and connect it to your TV. It connects to the Internet so you can watch YouTube and other multimedia content on the Internet from your sofa.

Introduction video

More information here:

iPhone 4 problems

27 06 2010

It happened with the original iPhone, then with the iPhone 3G, 3GS, also with the IPAD and now comes the turn of the iPhone 4. The truth is that every release of Apple’s products is inevitably accompanied by complaints from users whose units have some problems arising from the assembly line or of an overall design. The question in all these cases, as argued in any market study, is that only will come out negative cases … since they are the ones that move us to search (or force) solutions, and pose an outlet for frustration, something totally understandable considering how it must feel who has invested hundreds of dollars on a product that has been looking forward to for so long and, once in their hands, does not meet the expectations expected. 
Anyway, these seem to be the main weaknesses of the new iPhone 4. Some of them with a solution, other are simply more or less serious according to the person using the device and how to use it: 

The volume buttons, unlike
The rush is never good counselors and this is what seems to have happened in the iPhone assembly line in April, since it seems that some units have the volume adjustment buttons mounted upside down. 

Ie, labeling as “-” takes up the volume, while the button labeled “+” will reduce the sound.“Solution? Simply apply for replacement by another … or live with it. It all depends on what each one requires money paid for the iPhone 4. 

Yellow screens
Some displays seem to yellowish spots in certain areas of the screen. There seems to be nothing serious and, in fact, it is also something about the rush on the assembly line. One of the products used in the manufacture of the screen requires a certain amount of time for proper evaporation. With a bit of use for a few days, experts indicate that the problem be solved without more. 

No coverage
What appears to be the most serious of all problems is related to the fact that Apple has used in its design the casing as an antenna, so that depending on how you hold the phone can you run out of full coverage conversation. They have come to light some videos showing the problem, but it is also true that many users are not experiencing (most perhaps?). Watch this:

In any case, it is rumored that is an issue that can be solved by a software update operating system (IOS 4.0.1) and in fact could be published next week. 

For those who really are a severe problem of coverage Apple’s CEO (Steve Jobs) provides you with another solution: use a case or hold it “another way”.

And apple released iPhone 4…

27 06 2010

Hi, this is appletackle, the admin of this blog, and I think I’m starting blogging about this…


After weeks filled with rumors, leaks and uncertainty, the iPhone 4 has finally seen the light. As expected, Steve Jobs introduced at Apple’s WWDC10 keynote, where he also announced the different release dates around the world on June 24 will be released in the United States, France, Germany, UK and Japan, in arrive in Spain in July. The iPhone 4, which is 24 mm thinner than its predecessor, has stainless steel housing, resistant glass screen scratched and integrated antennas. One of the new phone features is the so-called Retina display: the pixel density is multiplied by four, resulting in 326 pixels per inch (the human eye perceives only 300). The screen, 3.5 inches, features a resolution of 960 x 640 pixels. Other new features of the iPhone 4 is, as expected, the appearance of a front camera, besides the traditional. The cameras, 5 megapixel, able to record video in HD. The video can be edited on the phone through the integration of iMovie for iPhone. The front camera is what allows one of the great innovations of the phone: video calling. “I grew up watching Star Trek,” Jobs confessed, “and dreaming of video calls.” This new functionality, which have called Face Time, will only be possible, for now, with wireless connectivity. The iPhone 4, whose battery has been extended to 300 hours in stand-by (7 hours of talk time via 3G), will cost $ 199 (166 euros) in its version of 16GB, 299 (250 euros) in its 32GB version.AT & T and you can get both black and white. The presentation of the Apple CEO did not lack the technical problems due to the saturation of wifi or indirect references to the pictures had been leaked on the phone. “There is much more than what meets the eye,” he said Jobs at an event that in the end, did not attend or Steve Ballmer or Lady Gaga. Also was expected the introduction to a new FREE MobileMe and a new streaming iTunes, but that didn’t happen.